Experience Reiki & Readings with Ashley

Are you ready to dive into the world of intuitive healing and spiritual guidance? Well, you're in the right place.
I'm Ashley and I'm here to help you seek healing on a whole new level.


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Tarot Readings

Got questions? Consult the deck. Readings can be customized to your needs.

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Energy Healing

Receive healing energy to help promote relaxation, balance, & overall well-being.

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Spirit Guide Messages

The right guide presents itself at the right time to help you achieve your highest good.

Why The Intuitive Redhead?

Being a redhead is part of my identity. I've always been referred to as, "the redhead one" - and I think I should lean into that.

I aim to deliver messages in a conversational manner that instantly puts you at ease. I firmly believe that you receive the messages you need, exactly when you need them, and in a way that feels manageable for you.